Hello everyone!!!

        As a bilingual class, we would like to tell you about our class events and future plans.

        In our class we have three subject which we learn in English: Biology, Geography and History. In these lessons, we watch a lot of movies in English and read texts in English.

        As part of our English lessons, we watch different films about important figures in Great Britain, such as Princess Diana and Queen Victoria.

        We have recently gone to the cinema for a screening of Princess Diana. We loved this movie!

        In our last history lessons we watched a very interesting movie about Queen Victoria and her servant Abdul. Now we have to write a review about it.

        As a bilingual class, we take part in interesting events and varied lessons. For example, every Tuesday, instead of  regular English classes, we have so-called Culture Lessons. This is a time dedicated to learn about other English-speaking countries, including the United Kingdom. During these classes we deal with worksheets and watch unusual culture films. After watching them we have to prepare long-term assignments or answer a few questions related to the screenings.

        We also participated in an on-line workshop with a native speaker who told us a lot of interesting facts about British customs and traditions. It was unforgettable experience and a lot of fun for us.

        Some time ago we also acted out scenes from previously prepared scenarios. It turned out to be an excellent escape from regular school activities. There was certainly a lot of fun.

        In the nearest future we are planning to perform a famous scene from Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”. We will inform you about this event very soon.

        The task of the bilingual class is to familiarize students with other cultures and improve their ability to communicate in English, so far, despite the pandemic, we are doing phenomenal.

        Visit our school site regularly to find out more about our current initiatives.



        Bilingual Class Students - 7c



    • Kontakty

      • Szkoła Podstawowa nr 400 w Warszawie im. Marii Skłodowskiej - Curie
      • sekretariat 22 300 42 51
        intendent 22 300 42 53
        wynajmy 22 300 42 53 - w sprawie roku szkolnego 2024/2025 prosimy o kontakt w sierpniu
        kierownik gospodarczy 22 300 42 52
        kadry 22 300 42 51 wew. 135
        gabinet pielęgniarki 22 300 42 51 wew. 136
        gabinet pedagoga specjalnego 22 300 42 51 wew. 143
        gabinet pedagogów 22 300 42 51 wew. 109
        gabinet psychologów 22 300 42 51 wew. 108
        gabinet logopedy 22 300 42 51 wew. 107
        biblioteka 22 300 42 51 wew. 111
      • ul. Oś Królewska 25
        02-972 Warszawa
      • NIP 951-250-51-33
      • W czasie wakacji - poniedziałek, wtorek, czwartek, piątek


        środa - dzień pracy wewnętrznej, bez interesantów

        Sekretarz szkoły: Małgorzata Obszyńska, Anna Traczyk
    • Logowanie